How we manage
The commercial imperative driving Goondicum Station is that paddocks with trees grow better quality feed grasses than land that has been cleared.
Pasture output has shown to increase with the shade from trees that reduces heat stress on ground cover. Better grass means improved nutrition, healthier cattle and increased profit margins.
Goondicum Pastoral Co firmly believes co-existence grazing, where the natural environment and wildlife is preserved as much as possible, makes environmental and economic sense. Goondicum Station showcases large stands of habitat trees covering a significant portion of the property, especially along the rivers, creeks and gullies. It features large stands of eucalypts and wildlife habitat corridors where clearing is selective.
As well as improving the nutritional value of grasses, trees play a vital role in producing high-quality beef. Natural woodlands offer animals refuge from sun and rain, prevent erosion and attract the wildlife that leads to an all-round healthier environment.
To keep feed grasses at peak quality, Goondicum Pastoral Co employs lower stocking rates to reduce the stress on the land. Paddocks are spelled to allow native pastures to regenerate and seed. To ensure cattle get the best right from the start, special paddocks are spelled months ahead of weaning to ensure there’s plenty of fresh feed.
Goondicum has developed long and short-term strategies to ensure sustainability despite the vagaries of the weather. During drought, destocking preserves breeders and younger cattle, and ensures adequate feed for the remaining animals.